Signs You Might Need Orthodontic Treatment

Signs You Might Need Orthodontic Treatment

Are you experiencing dental issues that make you self-conscious about your smile? Do you find it difficult to chew or speak properly? If so, you may be in need of orthodontic treatment. Your Orthodontist will want to help! With their expertise and state-of-the-art...
Life after Invisalign

Life after Invisalign

We talk a lot about what Invisalign is, how it’s different from braces, and all the benefits of choosing Invisalign for your new smile, however, one of the things that many patients overlook is the aftercare. Without proper aftercare, teeth can shift and alter your...
Airway Orthodontics & Sleep Breathing Disorders

Airway Orthodontics & Sleep Breathing Disorders

Is your child snoring at night? Do they gasp for air or breathe heavily through their mouth? These are just some of the signs of a compromised airway in a child suffering from a sleep breathing disorder. Sleep Breathing Disorders Sleep breathing disorders cause...
Invisalign For Teens

Invisalign For Teens

Although modern orthodontics have come a long way, traditional metal braces still have a pretty poor reputation. Many people still think of them as an unflattering mouth full of metal, and some even delay getting orthodontic treatment because they’re afraid of how...