Template For Introduction Letter

[Practice Letterhead]

The Honorable [Member Full Name]

California State Senate/Assembly, District #

[District Office Address]

RE: Introduction—Local Orthodontist

Dear [Senator/Assembly Member] [Last Name]:

Thank you for all of your hard work on behalf of the [District Number] Assembly/Senate District residents. As one of your constituents, I am interested in connecting with you to share my experiences as a small business owner and orthodontist in hopes you may consider them as you make decisions related to orthodontists and small business owners.

My practice is located at [address], where I have been practicing for [x amount of] years. [Describe your practice, patients, and any other pertinent information]. As a community member, [describe community involvement, organizational memberships].

I am a member of the California Association of Orthodontists. CAO is the California component of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO)—the largest and oldest dental specialty organization. The CAO represents nearly 1,500 orthodontic members who practice in California.

If you have any questions about the experiences of orthodontists or small businesses in your district, please feel free to reach out to me at [email] and [phone number].


[Sign off],

